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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Civil Engineers should know these points if you are working at site

   Civil Engineers should know these points at site work


Hi guys today i am going to tell you about above topic so guys before starting the topic i wanna say that if you didn't subscribe our blogger so enter email and follow as you can subscribe  us on YouTube to watch video about civil engineering and you can watch video about this topic i will send link in this post at the end so lest start the topic --

Civil engineers

These points are as follows-

1.Parapet wall height should be less than 1.2 meter.

2.Water cement ratio should not exceed 0.45 in M20 and 0.50 in M10/M15.

3.Initial setting time of cement is 30 minutes and final setting time is 10 hours-600 minutes

4.sanitary pipes and electrical conduits will not installed between columns and beams

5.1 chain bar provide in every 1 m² Area spacing not more than 1 meters.

6.Mini diameter of chain bar 12mm.

7.Lapping of reinforcement in slab 60D,Columns 45D, for M20 mix.

8.1 Mason can cover 25 to 30 cub meter brick work in a day.

9.Shape of aggregate generally used should be Angular.

10.In slab 20 mm clear cover in column 40 mm in beams 25 mm in footing 50 mm.

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