Hi guys today is Engineering day so i wanna tell you why Indian people celebrate "Engineer's day"
so read it out this article to know about this information.lest start
The Engineering Community across India celebrates Engineers Day on 15 September every year as a tribute to the greatest Indian Engineer Bharat Rattan Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. "Role of Engineers in a developing India" is the theme of Engineers Day 2018.
Mokshagundam Vishweshvaraya was born on 15 September 1861 into a Telugu speaking Brahman family belonging to the Mulukanadu subcaste and the Smart ha sect His father, Mokshagundam Srinivasa Sastry, was a school teacher and a noted Sanskrit scholar
.He went on to become India’s most prolific civil engineer, dam builder, economist, statesman, and can be counted among the last century’s foremost nation-builders.
Visvesvaraya took a job with the PWD of Bombay and later was invited to join the Indian Irrigation Commission. He implemented an extremely intricate system of irrigation in Deccan.
He designed and patented a system of automatic weir water floodgates that were first installed in 1903 at Khadakvasla Reservoir near Pune. These gates were employed to raise flood supply level of storage in reservoir to the highest level likely to be attained without causing any damage to the dam.
Based on the success of these gates, the same system was installed at the Tigra Dam in Gwalior and Krishna Raja Sagara (KRS) Dam in Mandya/Mysore, Karnataka.
nown world over for his contribution to harnessing water resources, Visvesvaraya was, among other things, responsible for the building and consolidation of dams across the country. He is also credited with inventing the Block System -- automated doors that close in the conditions of overflow